Friday, December 7, 2007

My speech/Comments on speech and semester

Here is the speech I did in class thought it would be nice to put up...lets see if i can figure it out

I enjoyed this class a lot. It was much harder than I ever imagined. I did more work in this class than any other this year, but I'm sure it was worth it. I feel like I can say so many different things in Japanese and could have a real conversation. There were so many different things to be done that I often forgot one thing or another which would really bother me, because I feel I worked so much to get things done and be prepared. One thing I struggled with was trying to finish my tests on time, I always seemed to run out which makes me worried for the exam, but I plan to study a bunch. I would really like to be able to move to the next level.

The speech was a very good thing for us to do. I felt that it was easier than the skit, because we had so much time to think and prepare it. It went well overall, but the only thing I feel disappointed about is that I was very nervous during the speech, so I stumbled through parts of it.

Overall, this course has been a rollercoaster, but I'm glad I was brave enough to hop in the front car and experience the ride. (Even if it may have meant plummeting to my death...)

Friday, November 30, 2007


Hey everyone,
The year is winding down. I put up my second draft last post. The question for this week is how was the peer-reading activity? I though peer editing was a really good assignment. After writing my draft, I read other class mates work. It made me realize how much I could improve my draft and gave me a lot to think about. I found it very helpful to read what people thought of my work and also what confused them so I could figure out how to make what I wanted to say clear. Exchanging feedback was very easy because everyone is looking to improve their writing and very open to suggestions. My only complaint would be that the paper we were given and questions we were asked to answer was a little too specific. Its good to have some questions, but making notes on a hard copy would be good, too. Then we can point out specific grammar mistakes and put our critiques right next to the problem. It was, also, good to be able to read papers and have others read what you've written in a less threatening environment. I really enjoyed doing the peer-reading overall.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007




New vocabulary:

もっと more

へた(な)poor at/clumsy


I'm in the middle with the other two seniors on the team.

Thats my team all listening to the coach, I'm of course looking at something on the ground...

Celebrating are District Championship!

Our trophy

Oh and here is the final draft I turned in:


こどもの時私はスポーツが大すきでした。でもスポーツはむずかしかったです。私はちいさいこどもでしたから、私はスポーツがへたでした。へたなはえいごでpoor です。それからこうこうの時私は二ねんかんぐらい三つクルブにはいりました。クルブはバルンチルとドラーウイングとおナルクルブでした。私はクルブがすきでしたが、スポーツがもっと大すきでしたから、六か月かんテニスをれんしゅうして、テニスのチームにはいりました。やさしいともだちにたくさんあいました。コーチもやさしかったです。コーチはともだちと私のテニスをてつだいましたから。テニスのれんしゅうはまい日三時かんぐらいでした。外でテニスをしましたから、あつい日にれんしゅうはたいへんでした。テニスのマッチもたいへんでした。マッチが七時まででしたから、四時かんテニスをしました。まい日れんしゅうとマッチがありましたから、私は時々しゅくだいをしませんでした。学こうにおそくしゅくだいをもっていきました。でもクラスでがんばりました。クラスとテニスのれんしゅうをぜんぜんやすんで、テニスと学っこうが大すきでしたか。いま私はよくしゅうまつ大学でテンスをします。いまもテニスは私のすきなすポーつです。

New vocabulary:

もっと more

へた(な)poor at/clumsy

511 words

Friday, November 16, 2007



Friday, November 9, 2007


Friday, November 2, 2007



Friday, October 26, 2007


Monday, October 22, 2007

I think what makes a good blog is one where the writer puts a lot of emotion into what they are saying. Whats going on in their life or blog doesn't have to be really exciting they just have to care about it to make other people care about it too. In Japanese we can't write very emotional sentences yet, but I suppose eventually we'll be able to tell how we feel.
On that note I just want to comment on the crazy of amount of Japanese I had this weekend. It took me over 6 hours to do it all, but otherwise it was a good weekend? Well I guess I still have the test on Friday to look forward to. Although it is our fourth test which means we're more than half way through this semester. I'm very excited for November to come. And Halloween! I'm going to be a walrus. koo-koo-ka-choo!

Friday, October 5, 2007

I'm very excited about fall break. I'm going to try not to even think about school for Saturday and Sunday, but Monday and Tuesday I'll just be getting ready for the rest of the week, studying, and playing a little catch up.
Japanese is getting a lot better. I like the kanji a lot actually. The more difficult it is to write the more time I take learning and then I remember what it is better. Verbs aren't as scary as I thought they would be, and particles are okay, too. I guess I just all around like chapter three, I just hope my test grade reflects that. I know my other grades are better than last chapter, and honestly if the chapter three test isn't better that my last then that will just be really sad. FYI my last test was really really bad.
I hope everyone has a great fall break!

Friday, September 28, 2007


私はしゅうまつにバージニアテクでいさます。私はちょっとテニスをします。私はたいていうちでべんきょうします。私はぜんぜんおさけをのみません。でも私はよくおちゃはのみます。私はあまりテルビをみません。So that is a little more about myself in Japanese. I had a lot of trouble in chapter two, I guess it was just a rough couple of weeks. I plan to really stay on top of things for chapter three. I think to say the least this chapter will be a lot more exciting since the skits will have a lot more plot and not just be random introductions, phone number exchanges, and shopping endeavors.



Friday, September 21, 2007


I've been at UVA almost a month. I'm having a little trouble adjusting. I miss my friends the most. I guess I should go out and start doing things to get to know people. Japanese is tough. I always feel like I understand whats going on, but sometimes something will happen and I'll miss something important. But I don't feel lost. Katakana is very difficult to use. I can't seem to make English words Japanese and vice versa. But I'll just have to keep at it. I get stressed kind of easily so I have to stay on top of things. Now I really wanted to write something in Japanese, but with everything I've learned this chapter I can't say things with out it asking the price of something random or telling you "Meat is delicious!" Hopefully next blog I'll be able to write a lot in Japanese. For now here is a little about my family.
わたしのおかあさんはかいしゃいんです。わたしのおとうさんもかいしゃいんです。 おかあさんはアメリカじんです。 おとうさんもアメリカじんです。おとうさんわごじゅうさいです。おかさんもごじゅさいじゃありません。

Thursday, September 13, 2007


わたしはLauren Riley です。This is my first blog, and I think I'll use it to just say a little about my self. For example, yesterday I had my first test in Japanese. It was difficult, but I really hope I did well. Along with my first college test being yesterday, it was also my birthday^_^. わたしはじゅうはっさいです。
This weekend I'm going out of town, so I have a lot of work to get done, and I have to study for Japanese. I always have to study for Japanese >_<" Well I'm just going to write a few more things about myself and then be on my way.