Friday, November 30, 2007


Hey everyone,
The year is winding down. I put up my second draft last post. The question for this week is how was the peer-reading activity? I though peer editing was a really good assignment. After writing my draft, I read other class mates work. It made me realize how much I could improve my draft and gave me a lot to think about. I found it very helpful to read what people thought of my work and also what confused them so I could figure out how to make what I wanted to say clear. Exchanging feedback was very easy because everyone is looking to improve their writing and very open to suggestions. My only complaint would be that the paper we were given and questions we were asked to answer was a little too specific. Its good to have some questions, but making notes on a hard copy would be good, too. Then we can point out specific grammar mistakes and put our critiques right next to the problem. It was, also, good to be able to read papers and have others read what you've written in a less threatening environment. I really enjoyed doing the peer-reading overall.

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